The Awesome Power of Smart Goal Setting: 10 Tips for Triumph

Written by asad sami | Last modified on:

Goal Setting

Everybody has a philosophy for life and they live their life the way they think they should. However, there is one thing common that everybody believes in and that is their goal of life. When we are young we always look up to some people whom we consider our idols and role models and we make an unrealistic goal that we too would someday become like them. However, this is just a beginning of the goal that you are setting for your life, but things can go wrong in life because life is very unpredictable and therefore we need to make sure that we reach our goals no matter whatever challenges we come across. Here are 10 tips for smart goal setting that can make you a better person in life.

1. Start Dreaming

Most people would definitely not agree with this because dreaming is a very impractical word while the goal is a very practical word which tells you to do something and achieve something in life.

Start Dreaming

However, you can never achieve your goal if you never dream about it. This is basically the first and the most important tip for triumph because your dreams are a constant reminder that you need to achieve something in your life.

2. Connect Your Goals with your Values

This is another way to put yourself in the driver’s seat when you are trying to succeed. Normally, we do things which we don’t like because we feel that we don’t have choices, but the fact is that you never connected your goals to your values. When you are doing something that is closely attached to your values then you will definitely feel more connected to the work you are doing.

3. Make Different Goals in Life

Making smart goal setting for your future is good, but you should also make goals for short term. We normally make goals that can help us ten years down the line, but that is just not enough because you also need to make some goals for the present. Short term goals are very much like energy boosters because they make you feel confident and encourage you to work extra hard so that you can achieve your long-term goal as well.

4. Believe in your Goals

Now that you have made different short term and long term smart goal setting you need to firmly believe in it. There might be times when you might experience that nothing is working out and that you have made unrealistic goals especially as working women but you should never give up on your goals. Instead, you should think about alternatives of how you can reach your goals and what is missing in your efforts rather than thinking about others who do not believe in your goals.

5. Think about Different Possibilities

The power of smart goal setting can take you places and therefore you have to be very practical when making plans. If you are thinking about your future goals you also need to think about other possibilities that you might never expect. You can never think of reaching your goals without any problems. There might be some kind of situations that might not work in your favor and therefore you need to make sure that you already have a workaround for that problem.

6. Write Your Smart Goal Setting

When you write something your mind registers that information. If you are absent minded or if you don’t believe in your smart goal setting power then you must start writing your goal in some dairy. This will work as a commitment to yourself and your mind will always remember that you need to reach this goal on certain deadlines. Many top business professionals do that because it is self-promotion.

7. Share your Goals with Friends

Friends are the best people that we can talk to about our inner feelings. Hence, you should sit down face to face with your friends and share your goals with them. Since your friends know you better they will add some input to your smart goal setting plan of action. This works like a brainstorming session where you and your friends talk about all the possibilities about how you can plan your goals in the future.

8. Keep an Eye on Plan of Action

If you have written down your plan of action you need to monitor it all the time. This is very important because you will know where you are at the moment and how much hard work you need to do to accomplish your goals. Since you are checking your plan of action you can modify your plan of action and look out for other alternatives smart goal setting.

9. Celebrate Every Accomplishment

Your plan of action might have ten different steps but you should praise yourself and celebrate when you have accomplished the first step. This is really important to boost your confidence. Although, it might just be one single step in your plan of action but celebrating it reminds you that you are going in the right direction and you are one step closer to your goal.

10. Alter Smaller Goals to Get Bigger Ones

Sometimes we need to make changes to smaller goals that we have to achieve the bigger ones and there is nothing wrong in that. Time keeps changing and we change with time and therefore if you have a better plan of action to reach your goal faster you should change your smart goal setting ideas too.